Please forgive the abreviated post. I'm sitting in the airport typing this article on a tiny netbook. I'm hoping I find Internet along my travels so I can actually post from the road.
So it has actuually happened!!! I'm on my way to Europe and in about three days I will be mounted firmly on the back of my bike cannonballing through Eastern Europe like a bat out of hell. I just did a quick check of my audio visual equipment and everything is working top notch. I can't wait to start filming the actual motorcycling part of the trip but the pregame footage is alot of fun too. I really need to get over my shyness when it comes to filming while other people are watching. I never thought I could use the word 'shy' to describe me, but I find myself uncomfortable talking into a camera while people are around.
My flight is about to board so I need to cut this one off now.
It's been a while....
Feb 2011....
This winter has been a tough one here in Toronto. Certainly not the tamer
winters we had the last couple years. But it's nearly over. Should ha...
14 years ago
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